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A week of adventure in extraordinary landscapes!

The present conditions of participation define the conditions applicable to any application for registration to Hoggar Bike Algeria.
  • Hoggar Bike can be done by all participants of all profiles over 18 years old.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their parents.

Important: We also require each participant to have a thorough medical examination with their general practitioner. Without an approved medical certificate, you will not be able to participate in the Hoggar Bike.

All registered participants will receive the following:

  • A numbered plate to be fixed on the bike.
  • An identification bracelet.
  • The rules.
  • The course in digital format (GPX).
  • A geolocation beacon (mandatory and at the expense of each participant).
  • Participants must carry a thermal blanket with them at all times during their presence on the course.
  • The 9-day event consists of five stages of raid with grouped departure.
  • Participants are required to spend the night in bivouacs designated by the organization.
  • The stages are conducted as raids in teams of two.
  • Participants must pass all checkpoints (CP) in the order established by the organization.
  • Participants are required to pass through all refreshment stations.
  • All participants are required to record their routes on their GPS devices.
  • The first kilometers of each stage – from the start to the WPS – must be covered on the route established by the organization.
  • Navigation after the WPS is left to the discretion of each participant.
  • The organization will provide water to all participants at the start (3 liters) and during the stage.
  • The locations of the refreshment stations will be communicated on the eve of each stage.
  • Each participant is required to pass the pre-start equipment checks and pass under the arch as they cross the start line.
  • Participants are not allowed to cross or use roads or paved sections not included in the stage track.
  • Only vehicles authorized by the organization are allowed to follow the Hoggar Bike
    However, in order to ensure the safety of the participants and to preserve the spirit of adventure of the race, the vehicles associated with the participants will be allowed on the circuit, but behind the broom cars.
  • Participants are allowed to exchange equipment during the race.
  • Outside support (material or technical) on a circuit is allowed.
  • Participants may use mechanics, masseurs, physiotherapists, etc. from one stage to the next, but not during the running of a stage.
  • Auxiliary personnel must be accredited by the organization and may only intervene in hotels, bivouacs, and areas designated in advance.
  • All participants must show courtesy to other participants, members of the organization, the media and the public.
  • The organization reserves the right to modify these rules at any time.
  • The registration to Hoggar Bike is worth for agreement to rules.
  • For the first starter, each stage will start at 08h00.
  • Arrows mark the route of the stages, and information will be given to you by special markers to indicate dangerous places.
  • The use of GPS is mandatory, as well as the passage of all CP (Control Points) and refueling stations.
  • The course, the region and the desert where the Hoggar Bike Algeria takes place change every year. We will try to communicate this information as soon as possible.
  • The exact tracks will be sent to the participants 15 days before the race, except for the stations of provisioning, and the points of control which will be communicated the day before each departure.
  • The checkpoints are located according to the course of each stage.
  • No more than 4 points per course.
  • On each course, there will be three refreshment points, all with cold drinks.
  • The refreshment points will not be more than 40 kilometers apart.
  • Before the start, each participant will receive 3 liters of water to fill their bottles and hydration packs.
  • All participants who have not finished a course have the right to start the next course the following day.
  • If the participant cannot continue on his bike, he will continue with the organization from bivouac to bivouac.
  • In case of final withdrawal, the organization commits to transport each participant from bivouac to bivouac with the logistics convoy.
  • The bicycle of the participant will have to be given to the organization already packed; it will be then transported by the organization until the deposit located at the arrival of the final circuit, the bicycle will be able to be recovered only once back in Tamanrasset.
  • The participants who give up, and decide NOT to continue in the convoy of logistics (from bivouac to bivouac) can opt for a hotel accommodation until the end of the Hoggar Bike Algeria or return at home.
  • He will be able to attend and participate in the gala evening.

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